Thursday, July 06, 2006

My Layers

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name - Melissa
Nicknames - Chicken Butt, Chicken, Chick
Birthday - Aug 10, 1970
Birthplace - Shelby, NC
Eye Color - Green
Hair Color -Light brown
Height - 5'7''
Righty or Lefty - Righty
Religion - Baptist
Sex - yes (LOL!)

LAYER TWO: In The Inside
Your heritage - Mixture of lots
Who do you look like - my mom
Your weakness - food
Your fears - cockroaches
Goal you'd like to achieve - to become a better photographer

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on the internet - LOL or Awesome!
Your thoughts first waking up - Why oh why does he always wake up at 6:30am. (he=Lukas)
Your best physical feature - eyes, I guess
Your bedtime - 10ish
Your most missed memory - my Papa Smith

LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Day or Night - Day
Summer or Winter - Winter in Florida
Adidas or Nike - Nike
Chocolate or vanilla - vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee - Either!

Smoke - NO way!
Curse - sometimes
Sing - not well
Think you've been in love - yes
Want to get married - done that
Believe in yourself - yes
Motion sickness - use to, but not so much anymore
Think you're attractive - sometimes
Think you're a health freak - no
Get along with your parents - yes
Like thunderstorms - yes
Play an instrument - use to

LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Gone to the mall - of course
Eaten and entire box of Oreos - no
Eaten sushi - yes
Been on stage - yes
Gone skating - yes
Gone skinny dipping - yes
Played a game that required removal of clothing - yes
Been caught 'doing something' - yes (very recently)
Been called a tease - very often
Gotten beat up - sadly, yes (I think I was 14 or so-- I still don't like that girl - BULLY!)

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Number and names of children - 2 children - Jacob and Lukas
How do you want to die - while sleeping
What do you want to be when you grow up - something cool
What country would you most like to visit - Greece, Spain or Italy
Number of CDs that you own - oh gosh -- I have no idea
Number of piercing - 4
Number of tattoos - 0
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper - Not sure


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