Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ABC's of ME

Challenge posted on Scrappin_Fun.
List the ABCs of yourself.
Here goes:

A: Aunt, ambitious
B: Blush easily
C: Chi-Omega Sister
D: daughter
E: Elvis fan
F: Friend
G: gushy, green-eyed
H: hopeful
I: investor, independent
J: jolly
K: kind
L: loving
M: Me, Melissa, Mother
N: natural
O: open-minded
P: pony-tail girl
Q: quite sometimes
R: restless
S: stubborn, Scrapper, sister
T: trustworthy, thirty-five
U: umpire to my 2 boys
V: visual learner, vacation lover
W: Working mom, woman
X: xtreme scrapper
Y: Yearn for more scrapping time
Z: zealous


njscrapdiva 11:58 AM  

My faves... U & X!!!
and I love P... as I am a Pony Tail girl as well...

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