Saturday, April 26, 2008

Random photos -- from April

Jacob fell asleep the other night
leaning on our chair... Fast Asleep!


This past week (4-24) Lukas had an ear infection and had to
take antibiotics which did not taste good. This is the attitude
he gave me on Tuesday while we were home together ... (both sick)

I just found this random picture... Steve must have taken it..
BUT -- too cute! Lukas and Jacob both love to play with
Mommy and Daddy's shoes.

April 4th (I think)

On April 4th, Jacob graduated from VPK
(pre-K in Florida)

Here are a few photos from the event.

They had graduation at a local civic center.
The 4 year old classes sang a few songs,
one in Spanish and one using sign language.
They were all so cute!

The teachers gave awards to each student along with their
certificate. The awards were labled with "Most Likely TO...."
Some were most likely to become Disney Artists, one was going to be a super hero, one a vet... etc... etc. We'll Jacob's award was "Most Likely to be well known for giving back to his community." NOW THAT'S SOMETHING TO BE PROUD ABOUT, HUH? It makes me feel wonderful that Jacob is thought of in this manner. His teachers are always praising him for helping out his classmates and around the classroom. I hope this is something he takes with him throughout his life. There's so much reward in helping others, and I hope he reaps those rewards 10 fold! Gosh, I'm so proud of him!

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